Monday 16 February 2015

What Room 15 thinks about swimming.

I love swimming because I can dive down at the swimming pool. The water is warm.  Avalii

I love swimming because it cools you down. I can put my head under the water because I practise.   Annamarie

I like swimming because I can put my head under water. It is fantastic because I can float.  Otis

I love swimming because it is cool. It is freezing and fun. I like teachers teaching swimming. It is energetic.  Te Koha

I love swimming because we get to learn how to swim.  Savannah

I like swimming because you can learn. I can float on my back without a float board.  Lucy

At the pool the water is freezing because when you hop in it is freezing and when you get out it is freezing too. I love swimming because it is fantastic.  Tiare

I love swimming because you can jump like a bomb into the water.  Aidan

At the pool I jumped in.It was cold like cold freezing water.  Diago

I love putting my head under water. I love swimming!  Maddie

I love swimming because it is fun and we can jump into the pool.  Paige

I like swimming because I like learning different kinds of moves. Swimming is energetic. Maddison

I love swimming. It is fun because its freezing. I like jumping in the pool.  Melissa

I love swimming because its freezing. I like the pool because I jump in the pool.  Jesse-May

I love swimming because I can jump in the pool.  Ethan

I love swimming because I like to swim on a board. Swimming is fun because we get freezing.  Gracie

Swimming is fun because I can dive. Diving is fantastic. Oscar

Sunday 15 February 2015

Room 15 2015

Welcome to our Blog for 2015.
The class have settled in very well and are working really hard.
They are all enjoying swimming and we hope that the weather stays warm for a few weeks yet.