Monday 16 June 2014

The Cross Country

  It  was  muddy  and  it was  very  hard  because  we  had  to  jump  over  the  benches.  It  was hard  for me  because  I  nearly fell over. When I  got to the finish line it was even more muddy and my shoes fell off but then I put my shoes back on and kept on running. By Manaia.
I liked it when I won the cross country and  when I fell over. It was a sunny day but the ground was muddy . Mum, Olivia and pop watched. We ran around the field over hay bales and over seats and over tyres. It was fun. By Riley
Last Thursday it was cross country. Mrs Davies videoed   room 15.My favourite part was when we started the race. I had to run over the hay bales and over the lunch chair. Also we had to go around the trees it was super fun. By Mounga
On  Friday  it  was  a  good  day we  did  cross  country. Miss  Davies  was  moving  the  video  camera  and  it  showed mine  and  Emma’s   parents. Riley  slipped  over  but  in  the  video  it  wasn’t  there.  It wasn’t there. I almost came last but I didn’t. Most of the class beat the other class that we were racing and they were big kids. We went over hay bales and benches and we went through tyres. It was very fun.  By Samantha.
It   was    a    fun   cross   country    and   Miss  Dobbin   made  the  noise  when  we  ran  with   room  8.  We ran FAST !  I   can run  fast.   We  went  to  the  hay bales  and  we  got  to  the  end  of  the  run. By Vernal.

Every one lined up. The grass was muddy and green.  Everybody was off! . Over the seats and hay bales. The two people were finishing but Riley  won. It was fun. By Danielle

In the  cross country   we   had    to  line   up.   Then   we   were   running

against   big   Kids.   Then we   went   and   we had   to   go   over    the   benches

and   over   the   hay bales.   After   that   I    had   to   go   over   the   dirt   hill

then  through  the   car tyres.  I   was   3rd   it   was   fun. At   the   end   I   was  

really   puffed.

By    Angel

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