Thursday 26 March 2015

Room 15 at fundamentals

At Fundamentals we are throwing and catching said Morgan
We are learning how to do middle, low and high catches said Otis
I like catching the ball said Melissa
I enjoy throwing and catching the ball with Mark said Josie
The catching was fun said Diago
I threw the beanbag said Nathaniel

Silly Hat Day

On Friday the Year 3's went to have a go day. The Year 2's made a hat cut out of paper said Savannah

We had to make hats and they had to stay on our heads said Ethan

We had to make a silly hat for mufti day said Aidan
We decorated our silly hats said Brodyn

Sunday 8 March 2015


Room 15 had a great time swimming this year.

Art Workshop

We enjoyed the art workshop and learned how to use colour in our pictures.